Committees of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees convenes a number of committees to make recommendations and advise the Board.
Committees of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees convenes a number of committees to make recommendations and advise the Board.
Standing Committees
The standing committees of the Board are the Committee on Academic & Student Affairs, the Committee on Audit, Compliance and Risk, the Committee on Development, the Committee on Engagement & Advancement of the Institution, the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Land and Buildings, and the Committee on Trusteeship.
Special Committees
The special committees of the Board are the Agenda Committee, the Special Committee on Athletics, the Special Committee on Compensation, and the Special Committee on Investment Responsibility.
Committee on Academic and Student Affairs
The committee provides advice to the President and Provost on matters related to education, research, and student life.
Committee on Audit, Compliance and Risk
The committee advises the Board of Trustees in connection with the Board’s responsibilities relating to the quality and integrity of the university’s financial reporting, compliance with government rules, and overall systems of internal control and risk mitigation.
Committee on Development
The committee makes recommendations to the Board on matters pertaining to development. The committee receives reports on the procurement of gifts and bequests to the university.
Committee on Finance
The committee makes recommendations to the Board relating to the fiscal and general business management of the university, including budgets and financial statements, debt policy and matters relating to the management of university assets and including the activities of the Stanford Management Company as it exists and may hereafter exist by resolution of the Board.
Committee on Engagement and Advancement of the Institution
The committee makes recommendations to the President and Provost on areas affecting alumni relations, fundraising, government relations, university communications, and university community engagement.
Committee on Land and Buildings
The committee has oversight of and makes recommendations to the Board on the use of land, including the university’s academic and non-academic land-holdings. It recommends appropriate overall and specific land use plans and monitors their implementation and effectiveness.
Committee on Trusteeship
The committee is responsible for nominations of Trustees and Board Officers and other matters relevant to trusteeship.
Agenda Committee
The Agenda Committee participates in setting the agenda for the Board meetings and discusses issues to come before the Board.
Special Committee on Athletics
The committee receives reports and advises the Board with respect to activities of the Department of Athletics and other matters concerning athletics.
Special Committee on Compensation
The committee, on behalf of the Board, shall establish the compensation of the President. The committee may consult and advise the President and other senior university officers on other policies and issues related to compensation and benefits.
Special Committee on Investment Responsibility
The committee has oversight of and shall make recommendations to the Board regarding ethical concerns related to the investment of the university’s assets.
Other Committees and Subcommittees
The Chair or the Board may appoint such other ad hoc and special committees as are deemed appropriate, and the chair of any duly constituted standing, ad hoc or special committee may appoint such subcommittees as are deemed appropriate.
Student Participation on Board Committees
Up to two students (normally one undergraduate and one graduate student) may be invited to serve annual terms as full, voting members on each of the following committees of the Board of Trustees:
- Academic & Student Affairs
- Development
- Engagement & Advancement of the Institution
- Finance
- Land & Buildings
Please see the attached summary of the student member selection process.